From the East – May-June 2017
Greeting from the East my Brothers,
Spring has sprung and with it a time for new growth. Our Lodge will be initiating three new Brothers during the month of May during a special communication. Please see the Calendar for the date.
The Lodge building has also started some regrowth. The two large maple trees in the front of the Lodge have been removed to make the building more visible and a new sign is set to be installed on April 29. Our key fob system is installed and going through the final stage of being brought online. The camera system is and other security measures are also functioning, all of which I would like to thank W:. Monte for taking care of. There is a reason this Brother was so deserving of the DSA.
Please note the following: May 2nd meeting will be a move up night so officers please be ready. June 6th will be Hawaiian Shirt Night and a casual evening to enjoy brotherhood (as well the financial report and summer prep). We will be planning a Lodge clean up soon and will try to announce it by email. Our web site is back up and running thanks to Brother Sutton and W:. Arnold. Remember that Grand Lodge meets on May 1 and 2 at Grand Lodge in NYC.
Election of Officers for the ensuing year will be on May 16. All Brothers are summoned to appear for that meeting.
The 150 preparation is full steam ahead. I will implore each of you to sell ads for the journal. Without these funds, we will be unable to fund our 150 celebration. As I write this the pins and challenge coins are being stamped. We anticipate having them very soon. If you are unable to attend Lodge but still wish to purchase them, please contact the Secretary, the SW or myself.
Last, I would like to take a moment to thank each Brother for giving me the opportunity to be the Master of your Lodge for the past 2 years. I don’t know the words that would convey the feelings I have as I remove the jewel other than to tell you that this has been one of the most enriching and rewarding adventures of my life. The warmth I have felt from Brothers of this Lodge and across the District has shown me what can be accomplished when we follow the moral path and support each other. As all out going Masters must feel, I wish I had more time to complete the goals I envisioned when I started but I am proud to have accomplished those that I hadn’t planned on with the help of my Officers and Brothers. I am excited to see to see the direction that our incoming Master Dan Dunbar takes us. He has been extremely active in all facets of the Lodge and has worked by my side for two years and knows the nuances of the Lodge better than I ever will.
I will be compiling a photo album of the events over the past 2 years. Please forward any photos and info to me at . Also any older photos would be greatly appreciated for the 150th.
W:. Matthew Dinizio
- Posted by Matt
- On April 28, 2017
- 0 Comment